Saturday, 23 June 2007

Update from mid channel

After a very fast trip down to Clacket Services in about an hour some of the 2CVs were smoking a little so we stopped for a quick pit stop. With no problems found we set off again and managed to get to Dover and the Ferry ticket desk without any problems.

At that point the lead 2CV (Robert and Richards) had a major electrical fault and needed to be pushed from the ticket desk out of the way! After some work on the coil we managed to get the earlier ferry so we have a more leisurely trip to Abbeville.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't Richard have a fat arse?

Anonymous said...

Dear Robert(Dad),

Missing you already!
Hope the weather is good for you.
Have a good time in Paris tomorrow and try not to break down again!

Lots of love
James and Zoe

Anonymous said...

Keep going guys....Fantastic launch today and it was amazing to see how hard you has all worked at getting this off the ground.

I'm already planning something into the promo budgets for next year for you!!


Stuart (ViaMichlin)

Anonymous said...


I have to say what you are doing is great. And to think you made the effort to come to my wedding the night before you left Both Rachel and myself send you all the luck and love in your quest and thanks XX