Snail Citroen Tarte

Pilots: Mark Howard and John Yates
The Citroen Tarte raised a total of £1,645.00.

Bonjour. Je suis une tarte. Une tarte au Citroen. Zeez English fools, Mark and John, ‘av found me and are going to take me across my fantastique ‘ome country – La France! Zey will ride me all ze way from Marlow to the Cote d’azur, via ze old ‘Route Nationale 7’.

On the way, I ‘ope to teach zem some very valuable lecons in Etiquette, style and sophistication.
Zey may look like ze two English rosbifs now, but give me five days and I will turn zem into somesing unrecognisable!

My efforts will be – ‘ow do you say – enhanced by even more of your generous donations. So please, dig deep into your pockets, mes ami, dig deep. Pour La France, pour les rosbifs – et pour le ambulance d’air de La Thames Valley & Chiltern. Merci buckets.