Snail Aly

Pilots: Andy Ackerman & Nigel Bowater
Aly raised a total of £9,038.00

I am Aly, a 1986 2CV purchased to provide transport for my drivers Nigel and Andy down the old ‘Route Nationale 7’ from Marlow to the South of France. Whilst it is true that some of us have seen better days, luckily for those two I am in not too bad a condition although like them I do get out of breath on anything other than a gentle slope.

Some kind soul has agreed to give me a radio soon so at least they won’t attempt to sing to me during the trip. I do also need some other work but there have been assurances given by Andy and Nigel that appropriate attention to squeaky brakes and sagging seats will be made (as I recall my seats were fine before these two got aboard).

I hope that my efforts will raise monies for the Thames and Chiltern Air Ambulance and of course this is where you can help please give generously. Those of you who know these two will of course recognise the service I am offering by getting them out of your hair for a while.