Sunday 1 July 2007

Last blog from Monaco

The first taxis have left with the Rosbifs on their way to Nice airport.

The remaining 9 Rosbifs are just finishing breakfast waiting to be collected by a shuttle bus to take us to the Monaco Heliport. We have negotiated a special deal with the Monaco helicopter shuttle to take us to Nice - they loved our support for the UK Air Ambulance.

Rosbifs signing off....

"La Tache" has been removed

After a weeks moustache growing the bet is now won and taches have been removed to the great relief of the owners and I suspect the wives as well!

Saturday 30 June 2007

Snails on their way home

The snails are on their way home and are currently just South of Reims heading North.

Therefore this is the fastest the cars have ever travelled, covering a distance in 12 hours that we took 6 days to cover.

Secretly i think that there was a few tinges of sadness parting with our cars, the final couple of hours in Casino Square were amazing, these old 2CVs took some of the limelight away from the Astons and Rollers.

Friday 29 June 2007

Last Day - Le Luc to Monte Carlo

Awoke to another glorious day of sunshine and blue sky's. We set off along the N7 the final leg. The scenery was of vineyards, and pine forests.

After a brief stop for coffee (Mangy Moose) in which this caused Le Boite to break down, a call to suppport and the car was repaired. The amazing thing is that all the cars have made it so far.

The road was small and winding, plenty of hair pin bends to negotiate, this must have been madness before the motorway was built. Somewhat a disbelief that this was once the main route to Monte Carlo. After Frejus we made the slow and majestic climb up through the hills and pine forests. The scernery was stunning and the CV's grunting and groaning. A great way to travel, all roofs back with the odd water fight.

BAck down from the mountains and onto the coast, the prize was nearly ours. A stop at a cafe for a quick sandwich outside Cannes before heading off along the Coisette and in the direction of Nice.

The road was now small and busy, the sun was shining, we are on the Med. Heading for Nice and along the Promenade de Anglais, the water shimmering in the sunshine and looking very inviting. Needless to say the traffic was horrendious but all car made it through. It has now become apparent that we are near the Italian border as the driving is becoming somewhat erratic, little signals other than hand signals!

After Nice we stopped at Eze for a panoramic view on the hill of the Med, lots of large yatchs etc. The driving is fun climbing the hills and around hairpin bends again.

Past Monte Carlo and onto Menton to the Italian border. Up to the old border post, plenty of locals making the most of the cheap Italian liquor and tabacco taxes. A few bottles of champagne were cracked open along with the obligatory photos.

Back towards Monte Carlo or Monaco as Monte Carlo is only one of the 5 districts that make up the pricipality.

Into Casino Square where we had reserved parking amougst the Ferraris, Buggatti's and Rollers. It was an amazing feeling that we have made it, lots of photo's and locals greeting us.

After leaving we had the most horrendious time looking for the hotel and eventually finding it. Monaco is full of tunnels, one way systems. We drove in convoy on part of the circuit and lots of photos were taken, through the tunnels the roar of the 2CV engines quite impressive through the tunnels. The hotel is right on the border, and you can walk in and out of Monaco without realising it.

The view from the hotel impressive over looking the gin palaces, huge boats.

After checking in, half the team took the cars to Eze the transporter as it could noy get anywhere near Monaco. The drivers had a interesting time getting back as finding a taxi in Monaco is virtually impossible, lift from passers bys were gained.

A welll deserved celebratory dinner at the Cafe de Paris had been arraonged. A quick scrub up and into the centre of Monte Carlo to Casino Square, rubbing shoulders with the uber wealthy - the show of wealth is breathtaking. All the people seem to be monied, beautiful and young!!

This was our last night all together so a glass of champagne to toast the cars and the amazing donations that we have recieved, thank you everyone. It has been an exceptional week, good fun, hard work for the cars.

Cars are being loaded onto the transporter

All the cars are being taken about 1/2 hour drive back towards Nice as the car transporter cant get any closer down the windy roads. We are busy loading them all up and are then going out to the Cafe de Paris for a light evening snack!

We have all arrived at Monte Carlo Casino square!

The cars are all parked in front of the Casino and pictures have been taken in Rosbifs, 118 and Air ambulance T shirts.

The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky and the 2CVs are surrounded by Ferraris. We have stopped for a well earned beer at Cafe de Paris before we take the 2CVs around the Grand Prix course.

15k to Monaco and all cars running fine in convoy

First major break down - La Boite

We stopped in a village so Andew G could get a coffee (late night again) and whilst we were waiting Le Boite stalled and would not start again!

With the bonnet up and triangle erected, firstly we tried a new coil but as that didn't help Richard started stripping down the engine by the side of the road.

The support vehicle brought supplies of yellow jackets, swafega and easy start.

After each of these had been liberally applied and the spark plug re-inserted we tried to start Le Boite again and she sprung back into Life!

Now back on the road again head for Italy and the end of the N7

Day 7 start - 29th June

We are setting off at 9am this morning after the keep fit runners finish their lengths in the pool! Its a beautiful sunny day with clear blue skies and the roofs will all be rolled back on the 2CVs as we depart. We are aiming to go beyond Monaco today and into Italy where the N7 Route National officially ends. There was some talk of carrying on to Rome but a number of the cars are making strange noises especially turning left so we thought we had better not risk it. We are aiming to have lunch in Nice and have official "Photo Shooting" permission outside the Casino at 4pm.

Old cars and an ambush

Thursday 28 June 2007

Water fights

Mangy Moose blog - 28th June

Pilot Andy G writes: A walk around the town started the day off. The sky was azur blue well we are heading to the Cote de Azur. A visit to the cathedral and other historic monuments before heading off at 10, well it always take ½ hour to get organised. Oil checks and final mechanical checks before we headed off, we sound like a swarm of wasps, well sleepy bees!
Off down the N7, for a fuel stop and proceeding in convoy. The countryside has suddenly changed to arid Mediterranean scenery, fields of lavender, tomatoes and melons.

We stopped outside the small town Lugnac at 1.30 at a Routier, a very basic menu for €11 each, delicious steak and chips washed down with local vin. The rule that the driver in the morning can drink at lunch time and then navigate and co pilot in the afternoon. (Co piliot of the Moose still managed to be unable to read the sat nav)
After a long and lazy lunch in the shade of large plane trees we set of for La Luc. This is the way to travel through France, 2CV with the roof down and a comfortable speed of 80kms, although we have pushed the Moose, she rattles, rocks and rolls, however sadly we are becoming quite fond of her!!! Shall Lucy sell the Volvo and this becomes her family car?? Good on fuel the tank takes £17 to fill it up, very economical.
Water fights had begun, with gentle amounts being thrown, with the quantities somewhat increasing as the afternoon went on. After detours around Aix en Provence we proceeded down the N7 with water guns being fired and water bombs being thrown out of cars, something about the sun and mad Englishmen and dogs came to mind!
Over the radio came the call that the coil on the Boite had over heated and that a pit stop had been made at a roadside lay by. This was a calculated attack. On pulling over we were mercilessly attacked with not guns but 2 litre bottles of water a cooling down, an inch of water filled the base of the car. After general horse play with water we set off to La Luc and the hotel. The heat and the roof down and air con on (the front air vent open!). The bikers were attacked along with “the hanger on” vehicle in a surprise sting.
The scenery is stunning, just as you imagine the Provence region.

On arriving at the hotel, beers were ordered before jumping into the pool. General lazing about the pool then took place with a few more cool beers taken on board. Dinner at 8.30, yet again another stunning meal, 5 courses for €43 , it shows how much we pay for food in the UK, delicious.
The weather stunning so we ate out on the terrace. More water fights took place at the table, and Rob managed to squirt a table of Italians, it cost him a round of drinks and nearly caused a ‘flip flop’ incident!

Le Boite Blog - Day 4 27th June

Robert O writes: "Unprovoked attack on Le Boite"

Whilst waiting 2nd in line at red traffic lights, the occupants of the mangy Moose, decided to (sprinkle a small amount of water) throw the contents of their drinking water bottle at the occupants of Le Boite! This was a declaration of war. By the time we reached the next red lights, the co-pilot of the Boite had found a full litre bottle of water and jumped out to douse the Mangy Moose pilots. They were soaked!

Just at this point, a police road blocked loomed in front. The Moose stalled!! The Moose then made a stately and ordered drive past the police; the wipers were ineffective as the wipers did not work on the inside. After a regroup og the convoy, the mangy Moose decided to proceed far ahead of the group in order to change into dry clothes, and le Boite was suspecting a revenge attack. Another pilot can to the rescue with the loan of a “supersoaker” water gun.
The Mangy Moose waved white flags, however the gloves were now ‘this was war’ After the mangy moose was attacked yet again, revenge was sweet with a two litre bottle of water used to freshen up the Boite pilots.

We moved onto the hotel planning our revenge. The hotel is within the city walls, a stunning medieval city and the seat of the Popes for a while. A meal had been booked at ‘La Fourchette’ , some of the Rosbifs has ‘Escargot’ and Beouf, in honour of the trip. This was Tony’s last night so the effigy was worn. Good bye Tony and thanks for rein!!

The drive through the villages of Provence is stunning, hills laden with sunflowers and lavender. The weather is now glorious, blue skies and tree lined avenues.